Sixth Debate Question for the Candidates


Date: Oct. 22, 2010

Moderator: The sixth question is for Mr. Forbes. Mr. Forbes, you consistently voted against stimulus and bailout bills. What would you have done to get us out of this economic crisis and what would you do moving forward?

Mr. Forbes: [no answer given]

Moderator: Dr. LeGrow, what role do you believe Congress has in addressing our economic situation?

Dr. LeGrow: Our economy must be viewed from both the short-term and long-term perspective. We are now coming out of the most severe recession since the Great Depression. It is clear that this recession could have been prevented. Regulations put in place following the Great Depression were removed in the 1980s and 1990s by both Democrats and Republicans in Congress. I would support restoring some of those regulations.
In the short term the bank bailouts and stimulus package were needed to prevent this Great Recession from turning into the second Great Depression. Once the economy has stabilized, it will be necessary to make long-term plans to eliminate the deficit and start paying off the national debt. I supported the President's proposal for a commission to make recommendations for debt relief, which had to be voted on, without amendment, by the Congress. This would allow experts to propose solutions that cannot be larded with pork
